Established in the year of 1990 and started running Facultative Reinsurance placement on behalf of Ceding Company at the beginning of 1995, PT. Jasa Cipta Rembaka (JCR) is formed to offer a wide spectrum of reinsurance services, including expertise in designing and negotiating Treaty Reinsurance. Our professional team are confident in handling the insurance placement and consultation for some of major insurance companies.
The intended protection system is realized by offering the reinsurance and risk management services in the form of transfering the reinsurance risk on behalf of the Ceding Company to a first class-reinsurer. Our company maintains reinsurance relationship with a number of major reinsurance both domestic and foreign which have good rating in Standard and Poor's (S&P) or others.
The intended protection system is realized by offering the reinsurance and risk management services in the form of transfering the reinsurance risk on behalf of the Ceding Company to a first class-reinsurer. Our company maintains reinsurance relationship with a number of major reinsurance both domestic and foreign which have good rating in Standard and Poor's (S&P) or others.

Domestic Partners

Overseas Partners