Our reinsurance broking services are provided to the clients primarily in connection with risk protection and the reinsurance placement process both in treaty and facultative reinsurance, settlement of claims and involded in analyzing various types of business including large and complex risk that require access to reinsurance market.
Jasa Cipta Rembaka (JCR) provides reinsurance cover for the interest of reinsured for various classes of business such as:
1.Reinsurance Business
- Porperty All Risk
- Engineering Risk
- Marine
- Energy, both onshore and offshore
- Surety Bond & Credit
- Life and Personal Accident
- Liability, including Product, Public and Employers' Liability
- Professional Indemnity and Director's & Officer's Liability
- Money Insurances
- Aviation
- Rice Crops Insurance
- Live Stock (Cows & Buffalos) Insurance
2.Risk Management Consultant
We provide consultancy services to the Insurance Company in arranging Treaty Structures and Programmes such as Property and Casualty Insurance, Marine Insurance, Miscellaneous and Engineering Insurance on proportional and non proportional basis.
In addition, we also involve in analysing of loss mitigation, loss exposure risk and loss prevention control to insurance companies and give assistances in claim settlement process.

Reinsurance Securities
Our good relationship with the first class-Insurance and reputable reinsurance companies both domestic and foreign which will provide our ceding companies with the best securities for their reinsurance needs.